The most southerly populated Scottish island – Arran is just an hour’s ferry ride from mainland UK, the island nestles in the firth of Clyde between the Ayrshire coast and the Mull of Kintyre.

Arran is only 20 miles long and has a population of just 5000, but the range of food and drink is impressive: from traditional Scottish oatcakes, a whole host of cheeses, real dairy ice creams & sorbets, fruit preserves and mustards to real ales and malt whisky from the 2007 distiller of the year.

The Isle of Arran, Scotland is one of the most southerly Scottish island and sits in the Firth of Clyde between Ayrshire and Kintyre. Arran is 19 miles long by 10 miles wide but has a remarkable diversity of landscapes and seascapes.

The pretty villages on Arran’s beautiful coastline are complemented by a rugged and mountainous interior in the north and green rolling hills and woodland in the south.

Taste of Arran products are all made on this one tiny island using as many natural ingredients as possible: the milk for our cheeses and ice-cream is collected daily from the island’s three small dairy farms. Our award winning products are handmade by people who care passionately about food and the wonderful environment in which they’re lucky enough to live and work. Each product captures the essence of Arran and every bite gives a taste of island life.

Our Track Record
The ‘Arran Brand’ is becomingly increasingly well recognised and is synonymous with excellence; our products are regularly sighted on the menus of some of the country’s leading restaurants including Andrew Fairlie @ Gleneagles and The Kitchin.

Quality Assurance
Quality is an intrinsic part of each product, and Taste of Arran is committed to providing premium food and drink – our members were the first in the UK to achieve the Safe & Local Supplier Approved (SALSA) accreditation, and this is the minimum quality stand for Taste of Arran producers.

We can supply mixed temperature deliveries throughout the UK and internationally using our established network of distribution partners.

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